Friday, December 6, 2013

197 "Educational Channels" on YouTube

I like lists, video and education. Here's a nice - though not necessarily complete - list of edu resources on YouTube from TeacherswithApps


    1. YouTube EDU: Launched in 2009, Youtube EDU centralizes content from over 100 universities and colleges, providing access to lectures, research, and campus tours. Think of it as an enormous global video classroom within the YouTube framework, divided into three sub-categories: Primary & Secondary Education, University and Lifelong Learning. You can even build your own global classroom by uploading videos to your YouTube channel.
    2. Teaching Channel: A video showcase of inspiring and effective teaching practices.
    3. TED-Ed: With over 400,000 subscribers, this channel offers an extensive library of original videos meant to inform and inspire. A new lesson is posted every day, Monday-Friday, and relevant TED Talks are highlighted on weekends.
    4. TED & TEDx: As of 2011, TED Talks were the #1 non-profit channel subscribed to on Youtube. These ideas worth spreading have reached over 60 million viewers worldwide.
    5. Edutopia: Run by the George Lucas Foundation, Edutopia focuses on K-12 education but offers a plethora of evidence-based teaching strategies for all levels and disciplines.
    6. BIEPBL: Videos from the Buck Institute of Education, dedicated to improving 21st Century teaching and learning by creating and disseminating products, practices, and knowledge for effective Project Based Learning.
    7. ASCD: Profiles in education, annual conferences, tutorials, and more.
    8. Learning to Teach Online: This multi-award-winning free professional development channel is designed to help teachers from any discipline, whether experienced in online teaching or not, gain a working understanding of successful online teaching pedagogies that they can apply in their own unique teaching situations
Click here to see the remaining 189 "channels".

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